
Newsletter – Summer 2024

122 Corson Summer Newsletter

There is no question that summer has arrived.  This week we’re getting a preview of what we can expect over the next two months.  Temperatures in the 70’s are more to our liking, but we’ll take what Mother Nature delivers since this is the beautiful State of Maine and as we all know, just wait a minute and the weather will change.

The summer birds have been serenading us since their arrival and that has been one of the most appreciated gifts of the season.  A scarlet tanager stopped us in our tracks recently, as we both took a sharp breath when it flew across the road near our driveway.  What a magnificent bird!  We’ve been delighting in the feeding process that we can watch from the window, as both parents of several bird species share the duty of feeding their young fledglings as they balance on the hen’s fence enclosure in close proximity to our house.

We haven’t spent much time in the woods during late spring since the ticks are a concern.  We made quick work of a few cords of wood before the hot weather settled in.  Last fall and early winter, we harvested tree-length firewood for the ‘24-‘25 year winter season.  We processed some of that wood in the wood processor, which by the way, is running like a charm and it’s all Mary can do to keep up with the split wood as Bob feeds it through the processor.

Our two goats have kept us running and readjusting fences as we try to keep them corralled. We think that we have finally found a solution that keeps them where they are supposed to be.  Fingers crossed!  The sheep were shorn during the first week of June and they are glad of that now that we’re experiencing hot weather.  We found the energy to get through another shearing year and we hope to make the wool exchange at Bartlett Yarns next week.  Our sheep are aging along with us and it seemed that there was far less aggravation this year.  Maybe we’re all resigned to the fact that it’s a job that has to get done, so just go with the flow…or the shearing ‘blow’ as they say.

On the restaurant front, we have had full houses, and with the summer months filling up just about as fast as we can update the website, we recommend making reservations 3 to 4 weeks in advance or even sooner if you know your advanced plans.     There are many new guests who have found 122 Corson through word-of-mouth, and we’re delighted to see a happy mix of younger adults among our more seasoned guests.  As usual, Chef Eddie, is turning on his magic with delicious meals and our bar tenders have introduced some thirst-quenching summer drinks.  A picture of a happy summer scene, is to view relaxed guests enjoying a beverage out on the patio as they chat with family and friends and meet new friends.

Enjoy your summer, it only comes around once a year!

Mary & Bob


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